Family Information
Student/Family Handbook
PBIS Expectations
The inspired and dedicated staff at Miwok Village Elementary will honor community, culture, and tradition; ensure students are loved and valued; and provide learning environments that are grounded in social and emotional learning supports, cultivate positive and productive peer collaboration, and are academically rigorous.
MVES Core Values:
- Collaboration- The action of working with someone to produce or create something
Communication- Sharing or exchanging information, news, or ideas
- Compassion- Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings and misfortunes of others
- Empathy-The ability to understand and share the feelings of another
- Equity-The quality of being fair and impartial
- Inclusion-The action or state of including or being included within a group or structure
- Relationships-The way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave toward each other
- Resiliency- The capability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness
- Respect- Due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports:
We are a Restorative School; We focus on:
- Positive Behaviors
- Teaching and reteaching behavioral expectations
- Problem Solving
- Asking for assistance from an adult
- Using "I" messages to communicate how one feels based on another's actions
- Listening to understand another's perspective
- Logical Concequences
EGUSD Education Code is followed for any suspendable offences.
We always conduct an investigation. We conduct a risk assessment when self-harm or harm to others is involved and for the safety of all, we call law enforcement first if there is immediate danger, then parents will be called. If it is a credible risk, we will not wait for guardians.
Absolutely no weapons, including toy weapons, are allowed at school. This includes but is not limited to:
- Sling shots
- Nerf, water, pellet, or paint guns
- Any type of knife (not even plastic)- cut your child's food before packing it please
- Bows and Arrows
- Razor blades or scissors from home
- Legos or blocks made into the shape of weapons
- Weapons made from paper or sticks
Volunteering at Miwok Village Elementary School
We are grateful that so many of our families are looking forward to volunteering on campus and chaperoning field trips. While volunteering is fun and rewarding, it is also a responsibility. We ask that those wishing to volunteer review the Elk Grove Unified School District Volunteer Guidelines. Once you have reviewed the guidelines, if you still wish to volunteer please contact your child's teacher and complete the Volunteer Request Form to begin the process. If you previously completed this form online your request has been processed and you should have received an email from
You will need a signed Internal Volunteer Request Form AND a valid ID to bring to your fingerprinting appointment at the District Office. Fingerprints are good for five years before needing to be renewed. If you have been fingerprinted recently at another EGUSD site, you will still need to complete the Internal Volunteer Request Form at Miwok Village in order to be cleared for volunteering.
Miwok Village Elementary has had the privilege of being able to raise funds through our site and the PTA via various opportunities. For example, the school site raises money via spirit wear, APEX, and Sprinkles on Top Fundraising. All monies raised support student field trip scholarships, art supplies, grade level needs, recess & yard supplies, PE & Technology resources, and other student-related needs that are not covered by district funding. Our PTA hosts our annual Spring Fest, Halloween and Valentine Grams, and other amazing opportunities.
Parking and Traffic Updates
Safety is our top priority,therefore we ask that all students and guardians exercise extreme caution when walking or driving around our school.
Please follow all traffic laws as posted; EGPD is ticketing violators. For concerns regarding traffic and other drivers, please contact the EGPD non emergency line.
The Poppy Ridge Staff Parking Lot is NOT a drop and go location, All vehicles must park and students are to be walked to the entrance. When utilizing the student drop off/pick up lane in front of our office, all cars must turn right toward Poppy Ridge when exiting.
Please be kind and respectful to our fabulous neighbors as they support our student safety needs. Additionally, please be careful not to block any bus lanes, driveways, crosswalks, or streets.
Join our fabulous team of parents and teachers in the official Miwok Village Elementary School PTA!
Miwok Village PTA is non-profit that supports Miwok Village Elementary. We are comprised of parents/guardian, teachers, staff, and community members.
We are a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to a mission of positively impacting the lives of all children and their families. Specifically, we support the students, teachers, and staff at Miwok Village Elementary, their families, and the surrounding community. Founded in November 2022, we are a new PTA unit and are excited to get started on our mission.
Miwok Village PTA is also a chartered unit of the California State PTA (CAPTA), and through CAPTA, a member of the National PTA. Through these organizations, we also help support the needs of children, their families, and schools across the state and country.
PO Box: 9630 Bruceville Rd #106, PMB #379